Sunday, December 14, 2008

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 9


*Our adventurer is now in Argentina, where he plans to visit Patagonia, Giants in the Earth.

*Patagonia means: "the land of the people with long feet", a title that refers to the stories of the Patagonian giants.

*According to Ferdinand Magellan, when he arrived to Patagonia in 1520, on his way around the world, he saw a extremely large giant, who was so tall that the head of the Spanish scarcely came up to his waist, and none of the Spanish was as tall as the smallest Indian in that tribe.

*In 1615, two crewmen from the Dutch schooner Wilhelm Schouten discovered several skeletons of ten or eleven feet long.

*All these evidence proves that the giants of the Patagonia were real and that somehow they got extinct.


*Is Patagonia only part of Argentina?

*Did the discoverers of the 10 to 11 feet long mummies preserved them?

*Is there any other evidence of the Patagonia Giants?

*How long did the giants live?


*Pouring: to cause to flow in a continuous stream.

*Leisurely: in an unhurried manner.

*Umpteenth: very many.


*Images: in chapter number nine, the author again uses pictures and drawings to show how some ancient natives and prehistoric animals lived in the world.

*Symbol: at the very end of chapter nine, there is an image with some colonist killing Patagonian giant, and this colonist has a cross in his armor, which could mean that the Spanish conquered extinct the Patagonian giants.


Chapter nine, is basically only describing the Patagonia, the land of the people with long feet, and also describes the giants, saying that there are proves that there were even 10 to 11 feet tall giants, according to a document left by Ferdinand Magellan and other explorers.

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