Sunday, December 14, 2008

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 7


*The narrator stays alone in South America because his travel mates left and went back to the United States.

*The narrator has an affair with a Aymara Indian woman who he met in his trip to Oruro, in the train he took to Chile.

*Trepanning skulls is the process used to make people's skulls appear long and thin.

*Many of the people who live in Oruro work in plate mines and have a very miserable life.

*In his adventure, the narrator has had many kind of problems, specially now that he is trying to got to Brazil's carnival.


*Is Bolivia a country involved in drugs?

*What is the salary of the people who work in the plate mines?

*What kind of government is there in Bolivia?

*Is Brazil part of the Inca Empire?


*Silicosis: a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust.

*Spoiled: to damage so as to make useless.

*Junction: a joining or being joined.

*Glitter: to shine brightly; sparkle.


*Imagery: the author lets us know how beautiful the girl he has an affair with is when he sees her in the train and describes her.

*Irony: when the narrator is in trouble in the train he has taken, because of the way he describes the anger of the driver, you would think that that the driver will kick the narrator out, however, the completely opposite thing happens, the driver invites the writer to go with him in the principal cabin.

During chapter seven, our adventurer stays in South America by himself because his other travel mates have left to the United States. He decides to keep traveling to Brazil for the Brazilian carnival in Rio De Janeiro. First he takes the train from Bolivia to Paraguay, and then to Chile, however it was not all good, as you would think, he also has many problems during his trip. For instance, he could not find tickets to take the train so he was forced to stay in Bolivia, nevertheless, he did not want to stay in Bolivia and he decided to go in the package area, where he later gets in trouble with one of the drivers of the train. Finally he arrives to his destination, Chile.

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