Sunday, June 7, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 1           

“ARISE Sir David Beckham”


5) *David Beckham is Ted and Sandra Beckham’s son.


*David Beckham’s whole name is David Robert Joseph Beckham.


*David Beckham’s father, Ted Beckham, was a devoted fan of Manchester United since he was a little boy and it was his dream to play for them. Nevertheless, it was David who would achieve that dream.


*Manchester United is one of the most famous teams throughout the world and perhaps the most famous one.


*Since a very young age Ted taught David all he knew about soccer but David was far more skilled than his own dad.


4) *Where is Essex located?


*Background information about Sandra?


*What age did Beckham get his first cleats?


*Who discovered David Beckham in the soccer field?


3) *fulfil: act in accordance with.


*ego: personality.


*mentor: adviser.


2) *Exposition: in this first chapter David Beckham’s background is presented to the reader.


1) In this chapter, David Beckham’s background has been exposed to the reader. Now we know that David Beckham was born in Essex, England and he is Ted and Sandra’s Beckham. We also know that Ted’s adoration for Manchester United was transferred to David Beckham who was going to accomplish the dream to play for Manchester United.

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