Monday, October 20, 2008


5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 3


*South San Gabriel, Los Angeles. The setting has changed several times, because the narrator/author's family isn't stablished in a house, they are always moving from place to place.

*Tino and the narrator ran away from the police, because they were in a basketball field where they couln't be after 4:00pm.

*Tino fells from the school's roof, and his misshapen body was in the floor, sprnikled over with sharps of glass.

*Only mexicans an poor "anglo" lived in La Presa Street, South San Gabriel which was a suburban neighborhood next to rich neighborhoods, and this show us how much discrimination and segregation was and still is in the United States.

*In La Presa Street la "Bruja"(the witch) is captured by the police, because suppossedly she had thrown two children in a trash-can.


*why was the basketball field closed in a determinated time?

*did immigrants have to go to diffarent bathrooms as colored people did during the segregation time?

*why were schools openned by 4:00pm?

*what were the situations going on in the suburbs by that time?


*thud: to hit with a dull sound.

*planky: adjective for plank(to broil and serve on a board).

*irate: angry; wrathful; insenced.

*deputy: a person appointed to act for another.


*Indirect Characterization: in the book, the narrator talks about how only mexicans and poor "anglo" live in his neighborhood, which shows the big issue of discrimination, and segregation people from the a low society level suffered.

*Dialect: in many parts of the book the narrator uses words that are from sapanish, not even spanish, these are mexican words(Las Lomas, bruja, vato, jardin, and many more).


This time, the narrator talks about different issuues/situations that he has gone through in "Las Lomas", such as ha and Tino being followed by the police by the police through the school, and all the issues of immigration and suffering of discrimination that he and his family have suffered. Another fact is that as we know he lived in a poor barrio(neighborhood), so he also says, explains siituations that have happenned in his neighbor(good and bad things).

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