Saturday, October 25, 2008

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES #8


*The gang of the character has an assigment for him (the big guys don't want to do it)

*Luis explotes a molotov cocktails in the back yard of the most important member of the opposite gang.

*The author's sister, Gloria(13 years old) was also involved with "LAS LOMAS Crazy Girls".

*The "Sangra" gang (the rivals of LAS LOMAS locos) shot the narrator's sister(doesn't get hurt) at a Educational Center dance.

*Families are also involved with what is going on with their members in gang. This means if any member of a family is involved with gangs, their family is also in danger.


*how did the Educational Centers worked? Because all the gang members went there and there was no trouble.

*what was the point of attacking the families of the gang members?

*didn't the parents of the gangers care about them?

*were the Educational Centers sponsored by any government institution?


*snitch:to steal; pilfer.

*thee: the objective case of THOU.

*peel: to come off in layers or flakes.

*hovered: to flutter in the air near one place.


*Foreshadowing: when the author talks about how the families of the gang members are also "marked" to be part of the criminality, we abviously know that his family will be involved in something, and it happens later,in the reading we read about how his sister is wanted to be killed when the other gang (Sangra) know that she is Luis' sister.

*Dialect: the characters in the book now use a different vocabulary, which is completely different from spanish or mexican words, those are words that only gang members use.


In this part of the book, the author just tells us that being a gang member didn't only mean that you hang out with your friends and had parties, but you also had to do assigments that old members gave you, for instance he had to burn the other gang's most important member house. Besides he tells us that the gang activity also affected his family because the rivals wouldn't only look for him, but his family too as it happened to n his sister when members of the other gang saw her in a dance, they decided to shot her, but luckly she could go away with no damage.

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