Wednesday, June 17, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 5


5) *Not everything was perfect for David Beckham. He once got a red card during an England game, which meant a lot for their fans. This red card provoked many fans to hate David Beckham.


*David also missed a penalty during a playoff game and provoked hi team to lose that game.


*After some years with Manchester United, David decided to taste international soccer. And what a taste he had because he went to Real Madrid who by that time was one of the best teams in the world.


*In Real Madrid David Beckham was welcomed very good and people from Spain loved him.


*David Beckham would later leave the club and go to United States with LA Galaxy, where he was also received with gifts and big money.


4) * What provoked that David wanted to leave Manchester United?


*Why did Beckham go to Madrid instead of Barcelona?


*Did Beckham enjoy his teammates in Real Madrid?


*How much money did Galaxy pay for David Beckham?


3) *Whistle: screech.


*Pitch: playing field.


*Sexes: people from Essex, England.


2) * Metaphor: “I’ve had wolf whistles from blokes as well.” Page number 144.


1) In this part of the book, David’s other teams and accomplishments are presented to the reader. We now know that David played for only three professional teams, which were Manchester united, real Madrid, and LA Galaxy. Right now, David is playing for his fourth team, AC Milan.

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 4


5) *When David first made his debut, during his first game in the England’s National team; he scored the best goal of his career. He shot from the middle of the field and the goalkeeper could not stop that magnificent shot.


*During one of his games with Manchester United, one of the Spice girls, Victoria went to see the game. After the game, she met David in the Stadium’s bar.


*According to witnesses, David and Victoria’s first met became love in the first sight.


*Once they began to go out with each other, they did not announce it to anybody. It was Victoria’s friend who made it public.


*Sir Alex Ferguson did not agree with the relationship because he thought that it would affect David’s performance in the field.


4) * Why did they want to keep their relationship unknown for the public?


*What happened after they made their relationship public?


*What did they do to keep that relationship unknown?


*How would that relationship affect David’s performance in the field?


3) *Dash: sprint.


*mum: silent.


*sneak: slip.


2) *Hyperbole: “David Beckham would love soccer more than Victoria.” Pg. number 103.


1) Throughout this chapter, the relationship between David and Victoria has been told from the beginning of it. Also, details such as where they met and what they did to hide this relationship are presented.

Monday, June 8, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 3
“ARISE Sir David Beckham”

5) *David was fourteen years old when he first signed a contract for Manchester United.

*Beckham signed his contract in the day of his birthday. Sir Alex Ferguson was next to him when he did.

*He left his family to go in the fight for his dream. David went to Manchester to join the other recruits. It was the minor leagues for talents.

*Within the first months, Gary Neville had become David’s best friend, something that they still keep.

*David did not fell comfortable in the place the recruits had to be.

4) *Why didn’t Beckham want to stay with his teammates?

*Was Beckham a cocky guy?

*What was the main reason why Ferguson wanted the kids to be treated as adults?

*Is Beckham a model?

3) *adamant: obstinate.

*precedent: example.

*stalk: follow.

2)Foil: David Beckham is the footballer that Ronaldinho is not even tough they are as famous as each other.

1) In this chapter, Beckham’s beginnings with Manchester United and how he began his career as a pro soccer player. We also discover that David was always a man who liked to dress very well.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 2           

“ARISE Sir David Beckham”


5) *David Beckham played for a local team in which he scored many goals and was already being noticed by new coaches.


*Academically, David Beckham was not doing what the teachers hoped from him because he was too concerned about soccer.


*During one of his local games, one recruiter coach, who gave Beckham an opportunity to go to Barcelona for a soccer school, saw David.


*After that soccer school academy, David went back to England and won a soccer contest in which another offer was given to go to Barcelona again.


*During and after school Beckham was always thinking about soccer, which was something that would provoke future problems with school.


4) *What were David’s grades during his time in school?


*Who was David’s first coach?


*What did David do in Barcelona?


*Why didn’t Beckham stay on Barcelona?


3) *peer: equal.


*stamina: staying power.


*auspicious: favorable.


2) *Simile: “a good football coach is like a good school teacher.” Page number 8


Metaphor: “David Beckham seemed to be a god at soccer” page number 21


1) In this chapter, David’s life as a kid has been exposed even more. This seems to be still a process of exposition in the book. We now know how David’s academics were like and how his life in school was. Also, the love for the game that the whole family had, specially Ted and David, was big. 

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 1           

“ARISE Sir David Beckham”


5) *David Beckham is Ted and Sandra Beckham’s son.


*David Beckham’s whole name is David Robert Joseph Beckham.


*David Beckham’s father, Ted Beckham, was a devoted fan of Manchester United since he was a little boy and it was his dream to play for them. Nevertheless, it was David who would achieve that dream.


*Manchester United is one of the most famous teams throughout the world and perhaps the most famous one.


*Since a very young age Ted taught David all he knew about soccer but David was far more skilled than his own dad.


4) *Where is Essex located?


*Background information about Sandra?


*What age did Beckham get his first cleats?


*Who discovered David Beckham in the soccer field?


3) *fulfil: act in accordance with.


*ego: personality.


*mentor: adviser.


2) *Exposition: in this first chapter David Beckham’s background is presented to the reader.


1) In this chapter, David Beckham’s background has been exposed to the reader. Now we know that David Beckham was born in Essex, England and he is Ted and Sandra’s Beckham. We also know that Ted’s adoration for Manchester United was transferred to David Beckham who was going to accomplish the dream to play for Manchester United.

Monday, April 27, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 9

5) *Baba Quan was scared to leave Vietnam according to Mai and supposedly he would suffer by coming to this country as Mai expresses in on of her quotes "I imagined his slow agonies: a frail figure pacing the cement sidewalk below a row of corrugated roofs."

*Mai did not like the "help" that the United States was giving to her country. This feeling is shown when she says in page number 165, " The picture of a helicopter, courtesy of the American taxpayers, jackknifed headfirst into the ocean."

*Mai is very different from her mom in attitude behavior. Mai shows this fact in page number 166 when she says, " As my mother made the transition into the complex business of fully recovering, I seemed to be doing the reverse."

*The interview that Mai had about going to college had never answered back. It had been two months and nothing seemed to be a sign.

*Mai is has now come back to the story of their apartment in the American Continent.

4) *Why doesn't Baba Quan want to go to the United States?

*How would it be painful for Baba Quan to go to the United States?

*Where does Mai live right now?

*When did the Vietnam War ended completely?

3) *Vicinity: neighborhood.

*Hover: stay close.

*Hinge: turning point.

*Plausible: reasonable.

2) *Simile: "In Saigon like a lantern on a gray, motionless light" (164)

*Allusion: In page number 165, the narrator makes a reference to ABC News by giving them a role into the novel. This role is the informative role that they gave during the Vietnam War.

1) In this chapter, the narrator has come back to the topic of Baba Quan coming to the United States. She says that it would be an agony for Baba Quan to come to the United States. Besides, now the narrator has begun to talk about the apartment again.
5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 8

5) *Mai learned to fight with the martial arts native from Vietnam. She also compared the college interview with one of the fights in which her parents taught her. She said that she felt as a fighter and she felt that the interviewer was her opponent.

*Apparently Mai has an army of fighters.

*Mai has fought against some kind of army together with her sister-the sister's name is not mentioned anywhere- and they have learned to survive.

*Even the government has an army "The governor's army had been massively equipped with the most up-to-date weapons.

*Mai has gone back to Vietnam to fight in the war.

4) *Who are the Trung sisters?

*What was the Chinese Invasion?

*Where did Mai get the Army?

*Why does this narrator changes bigly every time she moves from each chapter?

3) *Swamp: flood.

*Nomad: traveler.

*Foresight: prudence.

*Reinforced: resistant.

2) *Metaphor: " When the black sky."(120)

1) In this chapter, the author has weirdly changed her topic or theme to a theme of fighting and the way attacked with her army. This chapter truly hard to understand because of the way she radically changes her theme of focus.
5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 7

5) *Mai is telling us the environment going around while she was in the Pan Am Flight, an airplane in which she left her country with the illusion or proposal that she would come back.

*Once she was in the plane, she says that she saw a country in which everything it was and was before was gone and that nothing looked to be the same from high above.

*" The fear of separation I suddenly understood that day to be a fear as primordial as the fear of death." Mai expresses in page number 97 showing the profound terror she had when it came to leave her loved country.

*After the "two months" had passed, it had felt like "light years afterward" Mai says she saw her future unfold on television as many must have seen on April of 1975 when The Vietnamese country suffered the most cruel attack and all population had to just stand and wait for the bullets and the Americans left.

*America finally decided to leave the country find their own solution as it should have been since the beginning. They shouldn't have been there forcing a country to become what they wanted just like Puerto Rico.

4) *Why is this flight so important for us in order to comprehend the story?

*What really happened on April 1975?

*Who won the Vietnam War?

*How did this event on April 1975 affect Mai's future?

3) *Ether: the atmosphere.

*Clench: compress.

*Indeed: without a doubt.

*Transfix: mesmerize.

2) *Hyperbole and Simile: "The flight attendants moved back and forth, floating in and out of the cockpit as astronauts." (97)

*Metaphor: " a galaxy of electronic devices, phosphorescent squares and flashing red lights, put on tiny beeps as the captain announced our take off." (97)

1) In this part of the book, Mai has now taken the Pan Am flight and she has arrived to the house. Also, she has seen on TV what she call the her "unfold future" because of what happened in Vietnam on April, 1975 when the Vietnamese country suffered the biggest attack of all and the Americans retreated and left the country to decide their own future as it should have bee since the beginning.
5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 6

5) *At this point, Mai is boarding an airplane heading to Hartford, where they-she and her uncle- would head to the house in Farmington.

*Before Mai left Saigon, it had been "hit by rockets several days before" (94). Perhaps this could have provoked the final decision that the family made of coming to America besides the other fact of education.

*Mai did not know any political activities going on in her country because she was thirteen when her mom first told her that there would be no debacle, but the opposite happened.

*"A communist victory was practically inevitable and preordained as early as 1973, when South Vietnam had had to sign the Paris Peace Accords under considerable American pressure."(95). This quote shows us the history behind the Vietnam war and also help us to better understand the novel because it becomes a historical context.

*During most of her childhood and juvenile life, Mai was completely into a world dominated by her mom as she explains in the quote, "mine was still an unimpaired world in which my mother's words were the complete truth.

4) *Why is this novel going like back and forth?

*How is it that Mai is now coming to the United States again?

*How involved was the United States in the Vietnam War?

*What is the Paris Peace Accords?

3) *Debacle: catastrophe.

*Tarmac: black top.

*Hum: whine.

*Stillness: motionlessness.

2) *Simile: "People sat like scarecrows in their assigned seats" page # 96

*Metaphor: "the red apricot glow of rocket fire still glued to the far end of the sky". Page # 96

1) Right now Mai apparently has going back in time and has started to tell us the story of how and why she came to the United States. Nevertheless it got me confused when she just changed setting from one chapter to another, but this change of setting wasn't only of radical places but radical time.
5/4/3/2/1 NOTES #5

5) *Mai's mom is a very devoted catholic. She became a catholic in a French boarding school.

*Mai's mom says that her in America everything changes at a point that everything turns all the way around of what we are used to see and feel. She says in page number 60 " In Vietnam, the saying used to be 'parents point, children sit.' In this country, it's become 'Children point, parents sit.' "

*Mai's mom says in her letter that it was because of her long, long ears that she was first tugged from her mother's womb.

*Mai also says that college is the "American equivalent of the Shaolin Temple and the bo tree and the emperor's court and other, similar nonsense." Pg. number 53

*Baba Quan is described as a "not big man, and although he could look delicate and slender like an impeccable specimen of driftwood, it would be more accurate to compare him to a bamboo.

4) *Why does our narrator tell us her mom's religion?

*Why does the narrator tell us about Baba Quan's features and character until now?

*Why is Baba Quan very a religious character?

*What does Baba Quan mean when he says " the farther we wander from the earth and water of the burial ground, the weaker our ties to our ancestors become" on page number 59?

3) *Burial: interment.

*Bulge: protuberance.

*Reassure: encourage.

*Sleek: glossy.

2) *Simile: " and slender like an impeccable specimen of driftwood." Page number 59.

*Hyperbole: "it can get so cold that dragons have to blow fire into the sun so hard their scales drop off." Page number 48.

1) In this chapter number 6, a little of background and exposition is shown with the exposition of Baba Quan' features and character. Also, we discovered that Mai's mom is a devoted catholic because of the school she went to, and her more of the story of her ears.
5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 4

5) *The only reason why Mai wanted to leave was because she wanted to attend to college as she says in one of her quotes in page number 32. "I tricked her into believing the reason I wanted to leave was to attend to college, not to flee from a phantom world that could no longer offer comfort or sanctuary."

*Mai is the kind of person who does not believed in the spiritual world. As she clarifies in page number 46 " If I were the kind of person who believed in the spirit world, I would describe the feeling as that of someone who had come upon the presence of an enormous ghost."

*Mai has found a letter that her mom had hidden for a long time. In this letter her mom clarifies how she got her ears to be like they are, deformed.

*Mai's mom says that she inherited her grandmother's ears from a strange ritual they used to do when Mai's mom was little.

*Besides, in this letter Mai's mom declares that she is very worried about what Mai does and wants because she is the most important part of her life.

4) *Why is the story of her ears involved in the situation?

*When did they start to talk about their ears?

*What does Baba Quan have to do with all these story of the ears?

3) *Stupor: state of unconsciousness.

*Tassel: decoration.

*Pummel: punch.

*Monsoon: torrential rain.

2) Hyperbole: "it can get so cold that their breath does acrobatics in the air just to keep warm."

*Personification: "its muscular letters, erect and vertical, marched across."

1) At this point of the book, we have been shown that Mai, which for the first time was name-mentioned, is completely the opposite of her mother. First because Mai is not a spiritual girl at all, meaning that she doesn't have the same believes of her mother. Secondly because Mai does not want to stay in the same situation as her mother, Mai wants to go to college and become something else. Also, in this part of the book the story of the deformed ears is presented to the reader and we now know that is inherited from generation to generation. Since the strange rituals from a long time ago.
5/4/3/2/1 Notes # 3

5) *The narrator was told that she would just stay temporarily with Colonel Michael McMahon and her Aunt Mary and she would return to Vietnam when the communist offensive was pushed back.

*A few months before she came to the United States of America, the war ended in Vietnam but our character never went back to her loved country.

*The narrator stayed separated from her mother for six months because mom was trying to convince Baba Quan, her father, to come to the United States, nevertheless as we know old people always want to stay where they are and die in the same place.

*Apparently, her mother has had issues with the Americans because in one quote she says " you have to stand up to the Americans if you want anything in this country". This means that perhaps in someway she has confronted conflicts in this country already.

*According to her father, "one wrong move" was what decided or conduced the course on one's life. It is something like "think before you leap" meaning.

4) * Who is Ho Minh?

*What type of war was going on in Vietnam by that period time?

*Why did the family never return to Vietnam?

*Who governed the United States by that time?

3) *Impend: be about to happen.

*Hex: curse.

*Prowl: hang around.

*Plaster: make public.

2) *Simile: " his beard, my father described, silver and majestic like a thunderbolt in a dark night.

*Vocabulary word: in page number 20, there is a word from our vocabulary book. The word is "ominous."

1) in this part of the book, we see that the narrator has told us the story of how and why she came to the United States. She has also showed us the reason her mom gave her so she would come to the country. Her mom told her that after the war was done they would go back to their home country. Nevertheless the war ended and they never went back to Vietnam.

Monday, April 13, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 Notes #2

5) * The characters, the protagonist and Bobbie are heading to Canada in order to call Baba Quan and tell him that Mama is sick.

*Background: in 1975 thousands of Indochinese began settling in Virginia. They came to the country as refuges from the Vietnam War.

*Their mission in Canada was to phone the post office from Vietnam and have the Baba Quan located, and tell him that his daughter was in the hospital with a blood clot in her brain.

*Apparently, Baba Quan had never assumed his role as father or had never gotten his fatherhood as the writer says in the quote" He would assume a new form and step into the ways of fatherhood."

*Our main character is heading to college and needs her grandfather to come to America to take care of her daughter in order for her to can go to college.

4) *Why do they have to travel all the way to Canada to call Baba Quan?

*How did the Indochinese refugees come to America?

*Who else lives with the character and her mom?

*How old is the character? Because they are driving.

3) *Cozy: pleasant.

*Tug: jerk.

*Jiggle: waggle.

*Gust: blast of air.

2) *Personification: " But the vast vacant sky was shrinking fast." The author has given the sky characteristics of living organisms.

*Allusion: in page number 21, the author makes reference of a major league baseball team, The Orioles.

1) At this point, our characters are heading towards Canada to call her grandfather and tell him that Mom is in the hospital with a blood clot in her brain so he could now " assume a new form and step into the ways of fatherhood" the author says in page number 17. Also, now we now what the real purpose of this trip is for; she wants Baba Quan to come to America so she can go to college while he takes care of her sick mom at home.

Monday, March 30, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 1 Monkey Bridge

5) *Setting: the story is happening at Arlington Hospital some day around 1978.

*It seems that the narrator has immigrated to the United States when he/she was very young. She moved from Saigon, Vietnam.

*The narrator explains that she/he moved fro that country because of military issues.

*The narrator's mom apparently suffered a domestic accident five years before this, and this accident provoked the deformation of her face. Also, the narrator introduces us to Bobbie, the narrator's best friend from High school.

*During most of this very first chapter, the narrator has described his/her mom and the story of the accident and also the description of where they are right now, Arlington Hospital.

4) *What was happening in Vietnam by the 1970's?

*How was the environment during those military problems?

*Why is the narrator describing his/her mom a lot?

*Why is the narrator so scared of Saigon, Vietnam?

3) *Languidly: energetically.

*Sturdy: powerful.

*Subvert: destabilize.

*Hollowness: empty space.

*Coax: persuade.

2) *Exposition: in this chapter, the narrator has introduced us to the setting of the story and also some background that could explain and give more sense of why the situation is happening. Also characters such as Bobbie, mom, and Baba Quan are introduced.

*Imagery: "The smell of blood, warn and wet, rose from the floor and settled into the solemn stillness of the hospital." Page # 1. This quote shows imagery because it gives us a sense of images and makes the reader sense in almost the five senses.
1) In chapter number one, we have been introduced to the story with some background to better understand what is going on in the story. The characters are at Arlington Hospital taking care of mom's accident that now has to be revised at the hospital. Also, mom has some dreams that involve the narrator's grandfather, Baba Quan, who could have maybe been a very important part of this family's life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES #10 J

5)*In this viewpoint, Friends of the Earth Scotland (an organization) argues that nuclear power is not a practical alternative to fossil-fuel energy sources in attempting to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with global warming.

*"Nuclear power is not cost effective in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, poses serious problems to environmental safety, and contributes carbon dioxide to the atmosphere through uranium mining and plant construction." Page #191

*It has become clear that nuclear power cannot exist in a competitive energy market without significant subsidy from the UK government.

*"If fully comprehensive insurance was required to cover all of the risks of nuclear accidents, the cost of electricity from nuclear power would increase many times from the present level." Page #191

*Countries in Central and Eastern Europe, are continuing to build new nuclear plants even though it has been shown that investment in energy efficient measures is the quickest and fastest way to tackle their energy crises.

4) *How is it possible that nuclear power produces energy faster?

*How long would it take to finish global warming with nuclear power?

*Who created the idea of nuclear power?

*How does it affect the economy?

3) *Solely: exclusively.

*Monetary: financial.

*Scrutiny: examination.

2) *Variation: the topic of the point of view again changes. Now the author refers to nuclear power as a solution to global warming.

*Dénouement: "The external costs of nuclear power include the cost of environmental damage".

1) At the end of the book, we can conclude that all this types of solutions and effects to the global warming have their own point of view. Each one of the opinions is very credible and discussable, this mean their theory could be true or could be just trash. Besides, the different opinions show all the different way of thinking all around the world depending in the conditions. This means that their points of view are based on their surroundings and needs.
5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 9

5)*The sun is a star that provides the earth with most of its energy. The sun's temperature is about 6,000 degrees C. and its radiation of light and heat across vats distances of space weakens in proportion to the inverse square of that distance.

*"Solar-Max" satellite provided us with a 9-year old sample of solar radiation from 1980 to 1989 that proved conclusively that the sun was indeed a variable star.

*The Shanghai's observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences provided even further evidence of the Sun's variability in April 1990. They reported that the radius of the sun had shrunk 410 kilometers from 1715 to 1987.

*Scientists can measure the variability of the Sun by either direct measurement of its radiation, as done by the "Solar- Max", or by its emission of microwave energy.

*"The most remarkable event in the last 500 years was the 'Maunder Minimum', a 50-year period from 1650 to 1700 when there were hardly any sunspots at all, indicating a proportioned longed cooler period on the Sun.

4)*How can the sun's energy travel so far away?

*What is the cause of the sun's radiation of light?

*Why does the sun have cycles of heat and less heat?

*When did the sun appear the first time?

3) *Shrink: to reduce in size.

*Blemish: spot.

*Nimbus: radiance.

*Proxy: alternative.

2)*Repetition: the author of this argument repeats the word "maximum" at least ten times throughout his whole scripture.

*Tone: the tone of the author of this opinion seems to be serious about the sun's radiation causing global warming. Moreover, his type of writing is formal and like that he attracts audiences.

1) View point number three of the second chapter is the introduction to a completely new theory about global warming. This theory refers to the sun's radiation as the cause of global warming on Earth. According to John L. Daly, the sun has cycles in which heat is either increasing or decreasing every 10-12 years approximately. That sun's radiations are cause by blemishes in the sun that are the points in which radiation is emitted the most. There is evidence that the sun changes its radiation throughout the time, for instance, The Shanghai's observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences provided even further evidence of the Sun's variability in April 1990. They reported that the radius of the sun had shrunk 410 kilometers from 1715 to 1987.
5/4/3/2/1 NOTES #8

5)*Around the whole world, the main causes of death are chronic diseases, responsible for 24 million deaths in 1996, such as maladies of the circulatory system, cancers, mental disorders, none of the which has to do with climate but everything to do with aging.

*”Diarrheal diseases, such as cholera and dysentery, killed 2.5 million people who died worldwide in 1996”. Page # 130

*Death rates during the heat waves, more often confronted by these times, have jumped over certain cities considered poor cities such as cities in Central America.

*The scientist’s studies have found out that the major excess of death provoked by increasing temperatures is located in the South. Besides their studies have found that people who move from a cold to a subtropical climate adjust within a very short period.

*Experts have attributed the strength of the Southern people against the climate to the acclimatization and the prevalence of housing that shields residents from high temperatures.

4)*Aren’t the Diarrheal diseases provoked by the uncleanness?

*How can diseases that come from other regions adapt that fast?

*Why does a person from a cold region can adapt to climate faster than a person from a warm region?

*Does the population from the South have a stronger immunization system?

3)*torrid: hot.

*Affliction: suffering.

*Alleges: claim.

*Dyspepsia: indigestion.

2)* Foil: the author of this point of view contrasts every other author in the whole book because he is the only one who attributes the resent cases of diarrheal diseases to the immigration problem.

1) The reading now has turned to another chapter, in which now another theory of global warming has been reveled. Nevertheless, in my opinion this theory is very insufficient and ignorant. The theory establishes that with the global warming the immunization of our bodies will not be affected by any reason; that those diarrheal diseases that are more often attacking the United States, have been brought by the immigrants, which scientists have disapproved because it takes a very long period for the virus to develop specially when climate is changing at a very high rate.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES #7

5)*"Between 6500 and 3500 B.C., the temperature increased from 58º to 62º F. This is the warmest the Earth has been during the Holocene, which is why the scientists refer to this period as the Holocene Maximum".

*Because of the reason that those temperatures of the Holocene Maximum are very close to the temperatures that scientists have predict to 2100, they say that it would be good because at the time of the Holocene Maximum, the agricultural revolution began in the Middle East. Therefore, the same might happen by the new temperature increasing.

*Between 900 and 1100 the climate dramatically warmed after the dropping of temperature, which reached today's temperature. This is known as the Medieval Warm Period (temperature rose about 1º F).

*The graphs shown on page number 79 show a really good support to John Carlisle's opinion about global warming being provoked by Earth's fluctuations.

*"By 1650, the temperature hit a low of 57º F. This is regarded as the coldest point in the 10,000 year Holocene geological epoch. It is known as the Little Ice Age.

4) *How do we know which theory do we have to follow if there are many?

*What type of invents do the scientists use to predict the temperature of 2100?

*How does a rise of 1º F affect the Earth in a big way?

*Did this climate during the Little Ice Age affect the colonization in the Americas?

3) *Plunge: force.

*Trend: inclination.

*Bountiful: abundant.

*Fickle: inconsistent.

2) *Allusion: graphs on page number 79 are provided by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). The author makes a reference to IPCC.

*Historical Event: the Little Ice Age is something considered the most important fact to many of the scientists of today.
1) After the first knowledge of the changing temperatures that John Carlisle gave us, now his theory makes more sense for us, the readers, because with all these proves such as the Little Ice Age and the Agricultural Revolution. His theory has enough facts that "could" make it a real fact or maybe later in time it could become just that
, another theory.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 6

5)*John Carlisle contends that the global temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 150 years has been caused by natural fluctuations in the Earth's temperature and has not been the result of human activity.

*The Clinton administration and its environmental allies wanted Congress to ratify a treaty that will hike consumer prices 40 percent and cost the American Economy $3.3 trillion over 20 years.

*The planet's temperature is constantly rising and falling to put the current warming trend in perspective.

*A glaciation cycle is typically characterized by 90,000 years of cooling, an ice age, followed by an abrupt warming period, called an interglacial, which lasts 10,000-12,000 years.

*Earth is currently in a warm interglacial called the Holocene that began 10,700 years ago.

4) *What natural fluctuations cause the temperature increase?

*Would the Clinton's treaty affect the people's economy?

*How does the earth control its temperature rising and falling?

*How do the scientist know about very ancient temperatures?

3)*interglacial: a warm period between glacial epochs.

*Distress: agony.

*Furthermore: in addition.

2) *Imagery: the reading describes the last little ice age in which enormous migrations occurred when massive quantities of people moved from Greenland and Iceland, so I can imagine the mobs of people moving just like the migration of guise every winter.

*Variety: Finally a different point of view other than man-made global warming. This time, the author John Carlisle attributes global warming to earth's fluctuations.

1) This time, in Point of view number 2 of chapter 2, a new Topic is brought to the different explanations of causes of global warming. The earth's fluctuations could be another cause of global warming, not human beings. According to John Carlisle the earth experiments this changes every 90,000 years, this is known as glaciation/ ice age. When the earth gets heat up, it is called Interglacial, which lasts 10,000-12,000 years. To defend his opinion, John says that this interglacial period helps the plantations to develop better as it already did in the Middle Ages when trade was happening with the West Indies and the rest of the world.

Monday, January 26, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 5

5) *Global warming doesn't necessarily affect the region where it is emitted from sometimes it affects other regions. For example the emissions of the big quantities of smoke from the south of the United States affects the regions in the north side such as Main and New Hampshire.

*However, in this book there are very interesting oppositions to global warming theories. For instance, "and contrary to the conventional wisdom, global warming would not speed up the rise of sea level but might actually slow it down because increased evaporation from the oceans leads to more precipitation and increased ice accumulation in the polar regions.

*Many scientists show "concern" in public but voice doubts in private.

*Economy is the biggest enemy of the rising of the global warming.

*In the atmosphere, there is a hole as big as the United States, and this provokes the solar beams to come and hit the Earth at a higher temperature.

4) *How does something emitted in a place affects other regions?

*Who is right the opposites or the supporters of global warming?

*How would economy be affected by global warming? If then after the consequences will be more expensive.

3) *Scrutiny: examination.

*Pollutant: noxious waste.

*Wrought: produced.

2) *Vocabulary word: in this part of the book, the author refers to human as fallible humans, and fallible is one of the vocabulary words from our lesson number 10.

*Dialogue: at this point of the book, a dialogue is shown between two scientists but is only about 10 lines. These two scientists bandy about the global warming, so in that way we can see two different points of view.

1) In point of view #6, different effects of Global Warming are shown. For example, the book refers that the mission of different gases in the south side of the United States does not affect them; instead they affect the north side (Maine and New Hampshire) with acid rain. Moreover, it also criticizes the "concern" of some scientists that then in private voice their debts.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 4

5)*To the average American, the greatest threat facing the United States in the twenty-first century is probably something on the order of a new Cold War with China as the chief opponent, nuclear missiles launched by rogue nations Islamic fundamentalism, terrorists releasing appalling new biological weapons.

*The chief U.S. protagonist is certainly former Vice President Al Gore, the author of Earth in the Balance, which became the bible of environmental extremism.

*Congress is against Al Gore's opinion. In July 1997, the U.S. senate voted 95-0 for the Byrd-Hegel Resolution, which opposes any global warming mitigation scheme that would damage the U.S. economy.

*Support the Kyoto form labor is divided along white collar/blue collar lines.

*The United mine workers have already come out strongly against Kyoto because the agreement heavily penalizes coal use.

4)*What do they mean by the average American?

*What has Al Gore done besides the book he wrote?

*Why doesn't congress agree with the obvious situations?

*What is the Kyoto Form?

3)*putative: acknowledged

*Stratospheric: from the stratosphere.

*Overwhelmingly: tremendously.

2) *Personification: in the reading, the author writes a phrase that includes a personification, "Congress played a cat and mouse game" giving congress characteristics of life.

*Vocabulary words: in page number 29, the writer uses two of our class vocabulary words. Those words are used together "blatant advocacy", which come from the words blatant and advocate.
1) In Point of view number 5, the writer talks about some negatives point of view from some important groups, such as the congress who disagree with the extremist opinion of the vice President Al Gore in his book Earth in the Balance. In another way, in this part of the book another important laws are mentioned as the Kyoto Form, which apparently prohibits some acts that prejudice the global warming.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 3

5)*The 11 hottest years on record have occurred since 1993 with five hottest consecutive years, 1991 to 1995. However the hottest year has been 1998 according to the records.

*The Dutch are creating a plan to reduce emissions by 80 percent over the next 40 years. Germany is contemplating 50 percent cuts in the future. Britain announced it would cut emissions by 21 percent below 1990 levels in the next 10 years.

*CEO of British Petroleum-Amoco announced that it is prepared to do $1 billion a year in solar commerce by the decade's end.

*"Ford and Daimler-Chrysler, together with Ballard Power Corporation, have entered $1 billion joint venture to produce fuel-cell-powered cars in the next three years.

*During the 1980s, the insurance industry lost an average of $2 billion a year to damages from droughts, floods, storm surges, sea level raise, and other extreme weather events.

4)*Has the United States taken any decision about how to reduce the gas emissions?

*Has any other big company of automobiles made any contribution for the problem?

*Since 1998 has there been any other year hotter that that?

*How did the insurance companies lose that big quantity of money?

3)*forum: a medium.

*Discrepancy: inconsistency.

*Hemorrhage: internal bleeding.

*Concern: apprehension.

2) Vocabulary Word: in page number 23, paragraph number 3, last sentence, the writer has used the word havoc which comes from one of our vocabulary words, in lesson number 12.

*Propaganda/Publicity: at this point of the book, the writer has made much publicity to many different companies, such as Texaco, Ford, Toyota, CEO, etc.

1)*In this part of the reading, the author has started to explain the consequences that the global warming has brought to many different companies around the world, for instance, insurance companies, car companies, and fuel producer companies. However, the author has also mentioned the different types of measurement that many countries have already begun to put on practice. Those countries are Netherlands, Germany, and Britain.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 2

5) *In 1995, more than 2,000 scientists from 100 countries reported to the United Nations that our burning of oil, coal and natural gas is changing the Earth's climate at a very big rate compared to the last centuries.

*The average of the U.S temperatures will rise by five to 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the 21st century, according to the experts on the topic.

*Until the mid 1970's, the planet had been warming by one degree F per century. This is a rate in which most ecosystems can adapt, but for the last 20 years, Earth has instead been warming by four degrees F per century.

*The New York Times published that many people from Mozambique has attributed the destruction in their country, such as the storms to the global warming, a fact not yet confirmed by scientists.

*Many people argues that the big quantities of CO2 are favorable to the plants, however it is scientifically proved that the excess of this gas causes diseases to the plants, attracts insects and fires.

4) *Why doesn't the government apply strict laws to punish any environmental damage done by humans?

*Is the New York Times against the opinion of the people of Mozambique?

*Why in a certain period of time, the Earth has become more overheated than any other period of time?

*How is coal make and how do the miners take it out of the coalmines?

3)*Spurt: to erupt.

*Skeptic: disbeliever.

*Flatten: to knock over.

*Subsequently: consequently.

2) *Abbreviations: the author has constantly used many abbreviations throughout the reading. For example the contraction of the Carbon Dioxide becomes CO2 and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change becomes IPCC, as some other words.
It is maybe because he wanted to save paper or he was lazy to keep writing the big names, or also because he wants us to know better scientific and academic abbreviations.

*Statistics: at this point, the writer has used two graphs to teach or let us know better information about the main topic. Such graphs are referring to the enormous rate of temperature change throughout the decades and also showing the growth of the CO2 accumulation.

1) Point of View number three shows the different opinions of global warming around the world. For instance, it show us an article that the New York Times has published, in which the believes of the Mozambique people about global warming are being debated. Also in Point of View number three, using two graphs shows statistics. One of them showing the rising of the global temperatures along the decades. The other showing the accumulation of CO2 that every time becomes bigger. Besides, other type of statistics are shown, this statistics are called the written statistics.

Monday, January 19, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 NOTES # 1 "GLOBAL WARMING" Opposing Viewpoints

5) *The global warming hypothesis made in 1896 established that carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels would cause global temperatures to raise by trapping excess heat in the Earth's atmosphere.

*The theory was based on greenhouse effect, which is the trapping of heat on the Earth, by gases that human beings release. Those gases cover the atmosphere become a blanket for the planet that let the heat come in but it does not let it go completely.

*If the greenhouse were not stopped soon, the Earth would be sentenced to a perpetual ice age.

*According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by 31 percent, methane by 151 percent, and nitrous oxide by 17 percent since 1750.

*Also according to the IPCC global temperature has increased close to 0.5 degrees Centigrade, the largest temperature increasing of any century during the past one thousand years.

4) *What is the annual increase of temperature on Earth?

*Who discovered the global warming first?

*In what year was Global Warming first discovered?

*What are some of the actions taken by governments that are truly being applied?

3)*plummet: to crash down.

*Correlation: a relationship.

*Stemming: coming from.

2) *Exposition: the theme of the book is being explained throughout the first viewpoint of the first topic.

*Allusion: at the beginning of the viewpoint, the author uses a quote from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to start the chapter with, and like that support his opinion or the person's opinion.

1) *In this view point of the first topic is explained, which is the global warming causes and consequences. One of the major causes of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels such as petroleum, and coal. The effect of the burning of fossil fuels is that they produce gases that provoke the greenhouse effect, or better know as the Earth's blanket, keeping the heat from going out of the atmosphere and this provokes the melting of enormous glaciers.